Sunday, October 29, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

Week 3 NCAA and NFL SureCAP Combinations

    WEEK 3 NFL SEASON TeamLHEO SureCap Parlay Combinations

Below are 128 possible winning combinations for this NCAA and NFL Football. Courtesy of TeamLHEO.

 I strongly urge you to take advantage of these tickets and play them at online sports books. Good luck and may you have a prosperous weekend!!
SureCap Parlay Combination Example

These are the matchups for Sept. 23 NCAA Football games starting at 12 PM

NFL Combinations Week 3



Thursday, September 7, 2017

TeamLHEO Parlay Charts

Sports parlays are probably the most sought-after wager by novice gamblers because
of the extreme payouts. I can remember days of going to the store and just anticipating
how high the state lottery was on that day. I have to admit, it was always exciting to
see how many people wanted a piece of the pie. I just never really got into the state
lottery like that, because it involved too many numbers. That fact alone was enough to
let me know that the odds weren't really in my favor. However, that is what makes the
state lotteries so exciting. RISK vs. REWARD is what it all boils down to.

Some examples of parlay tickets

Don't know if you've ever heard of the stories of people actually winning
sports parlays, but I'm here to tell you they are real. Nothing could be more
amazing than winning them yourself!

LHEO SureCAP Chart System

The LHEO SureCap System is a charting or table system which helps bettors
win extreme parlay wagers. Use the SureCAP system weekly to build a nice
bankroll over the football season. Use it correctly and you could bank $100,000
before the NFL season is over.

What are "TeamLHEO SureCAP Parlay Charts" and how do they work?

The TeamLHEO SureCAP Parlay Charts system really uses a table that will represent
your wager tickets. You'll always use the same games -- only "different" tickets.
This way you cover your ass if something goes wrong with one combination. You'll
be playing a series of combinations, unlike other bettors.

You won't be blindsided by that one or two teams that didn't make sense on your way
to winning that money! You are going to be in the winner's circle smiling every Sunday.
You won't be able to wait for the next one.

You can use the TeamLHEO SureCap Parlay combinations during the NBA and NCAA basketball
seasons as well.

You will learn how to make your own winning charts with SureCAP. You will get so good at it,
you won't need to play all the combinations. You'll just play the ones that make sense to you
and increase your winnings week after week.

Other Helpful Betting Videos & Systems

A Look at Parlay Betting

Old Picks From More Expert Handicappers

Dez All Up In The Mix

Where You Should Implement The System

I suggest only using the TeamLHEO system online. You should open one or more accounts at the
Online Sportsbooks listed below. Of course, there are plenty of places you could play online.
If that is what you decide to do, then you could open your accounts elsewhere. To the best of
our knowledge, the ones we have listed are reputable. They are trustworthy and what may be more
important to you is that they pay out on time.




GT Bets

5 Dimes

Rampart Casino launches 'Parlay & Rose' geared towards women

Rampart Casino launches 'Parlay & Rose' geared towards women: Rampart Casino unveiled its glitzy new sports book Wednesday and announced a new betting game geared toward women looking to try their luck.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

2 WINNING COMBINATIONS from Week 3 NFL Preseason TeamLHEO SureCap Parlay Charts

<strong>2 WINNING COMBINATIONS from Week 3 NFL Preseason TeamLHEO SureCap Parlay Chart System</strong>

2 WINNING COMBINATIONS from TeamLHEO's SureCap System?

TeamLHEO's SureCap Parlay Combinations have actually won
in Week 1 & Week 3 of the NFL Preseason. Week 2 was not so
fortunate as the football universe danced around all 64 combinations
of the system. Week 3's combinations produced two winning tickets.
They came from two "pushes" on Ticket #11 and Ticket #24 resulting
in 2 wins.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

I just picked a 8-team parlay which will pay $1.53 for $0.01 for free on

I just picked a 8-team parlay which will pay $1.53 for $0.01 for free on I just picked a 8-team parlay which will pay $1.53 for $0.01 for free on Get $1.00 free to play! I used the FREE SureCap Parlay Combinations that came this week.

Friday, May 19, 2017

TeamLHEO SureCAP Parlay Chart System

<strong>TeamLHEO SureCap Parlay Chart System</strong>

Sports parlays are probably the most sought-after wager by novice gamblers because
of the extreme payouts. I can remember days of going to the store and just anticipating
how high the state lottery was on that day. I have to admit, it was always exciting to
see how many people wanted a piece of the pie. I just never really got into the state
lottery like that, because it involved too many numbers. That fact alone was enough to
let me know that the odds weren't really in my favor. However, that is what makes the
state lotteries so exciting. RISK vs. REWARD is what it all boils down to.

Some examples of parlay tickets

Don't know if you've ever heard of the stories of people actually winning
sports parlays, but I'm here to tell you they are real. Nothing could be more
amazing than winning them yourself!

LHEO SureCAP Chart System

The LHEO SureCap System is a charting or table system which helps bettors
win extreme parlay wagers. Use the SureCAP system weekly to build a nice
bankroll over the football season. Use it correctly and you could bank $100,000
before the NFL season is over.

What are "TeamLHEO SureCAP Parlay Charts" and how do they work?

The TeamLHEO SureCAP Parlay Charts system really uses a table that will represent
your wager tickets. You'll always use the same games -- only "different" tickets.
This way you cover your ass if something goes wrong with one combination. You'll
be playing a series of combinations, unlike other bettors.

You won't be blindsided by that one or two teams that didn't make sense on your way
to winning that money! You are going to be in the winner's circle smiling every Sunday.
You won't be able to wait for the next one.

You can use the TeamLHEO SureCap Parlay combinations during the NBA and NCAA basketball
seasons as well.

You will learn how to make your own winning charts with SureCAP. You will get so good at it,
you won't need to play all the combinations. You'll just play the ones that make sense to you
and increase your winnings week after week.

Other Helpful Betting Videos & Systems

A Look at Parlay Betting

Old Picks From More Expert Handicappers

Dez All Up In The Mix

Where You Should Implement The System

I suggest only using the TeamLHEO system online. You should open one or more accounts at the
Online Sportsbooks listed below. Of course, there are plenty of places you could play online.
If that is what you decide to do, then you could open your accounts elsewhere. To the best of
our knowledge, the ones we have listed are reputable. They are trustworthy and what may be more
important to you is that they pay out on time.




GT Bets

5 Dimes

I just picked the Browns to cover the spread vs. the Vikings on Sunday for free on

I just picked the Browns to cover the spread vs. the Vikings on Sunday for free on : I just picked the Browns to cover the ...